

I was enrolled in the CodePath IOS development course for TCU. This was a virtual course where a teaching assistant would go through training over the summarize and would run the course throughout the semester at their university. CodePath provided an assignment portal and additional instructional videos to assist us in learning and implementing the code.


-Attend weekly meetings going over lab assignments
-Watch provided instructional videos
-Attempt implementation on own
-Report progress by updating issue board on Github
-Upload video and src code to Github repo


-Flixster: A movie dashboard that will pull the latest trending movies from a database
-Twitter Clone: A clone that utilizes Twitter's API to view real Twitter user's tweets
-Parstagram: An Instagram clone that uses a Parse server database to create accounts and posts
-Class Mentors: An original app that allows students to post threads to discuss class topics

Some Things I Learned

-Testing an app on an emulator
-Creating wireframes for apps


This course was a great introduction to IOS development. I felt great working on real projects similar to real successful products. Creating my own app was great way to test my knowledge gained over the course. I did struggle to find time to work on the material alongside with my university assignments but I am glad I made it through and got a certification and access to a graduate portal for career assistance! Hopefully in the future I can improve and continue developing my own app.

Twitter Clone

A gif of logging into Twitter clone and viewing tweet feed

Instagram Clone

A gif of logging into Instagram and posting a picture

Other Projects

Layered Laser Defense

I was tasked with redesigning, implementing new features, and fixing bugs for the main laser turret executive GUI.


I co-led a team to build an artificial intelligence tool to transcribe and analyze audio/video for teachers.

Superfrog Student Scheduler

I co-led a team of fullstack developers to make a scheduling website using Vue.js and Spring Boot.

BINOCS Gaia Enhancements

For my Honor's thesis, I worked on enhancing binary star detection software through automated data collection and more.

Sharepoint Site

I was tasked with creating and administering a new Sharepoint site equipped with Infopath forms.

Microsoft Windows Automation

Using Powershell and Batch Scripts, I was able to automate onboarding Windows processes for many assets.

Raspberry Pi Motion Sensor

My partner and I challenged ourselves in creating a motion sensor with automated notifications.

Discord Bot

I created a personalized Discord Bot to bring enjoyment to a gaming community.